Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kendall's First Swim Meet and Blake's 8th Grade Dance

Before the dance

The guys before the dance

Kendall is in the lane next to the 5ft mark

Kendall is right in between the 2 guys in white shirts in this one

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Floods, Flu, and Swimming

It's been a crazy week around here. We have experienced lots of firsts this school year. This week, we actually got a day off of school due to flooding. We had extreme amounts of rain Monday and part of Tuesday. Due to the rain, our school district had to cancel because there were several areas that were flooded. Luckily, we did not have any flooding and I only experienced flooded streets on my way to work Wednesday. Because of this "flood day", our state TAKS testing was thrown off by a day. So, on Wednesday, we began our testing. Poor Blake has his last test tomorrow. Then, we got to experience the panic of Swine Flu. On Friday, our district shut down one elementary for 2 weeks. It will be interesting to see if we make it to June 3rd without having to shut down.
Our other first for the year was today's Swim Meet. Kendall did very well for it being her first time ever. She was nervous about it at first but calmed down and had a good time. She swam 5 events today so they could get times on the kids. She swam 25 Yd Freestyle, 25 Yd Breaststroke, 100 Yd IM, 25 Yd Backstroke, and 25 Yd Butterfly. Below is a picture from today as well as a video.

Kendall finishing breaststroke

Kendall in her freestyle event (she's the one in the middle)