Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Blake and his new phone
Kendall with one of her sets of American Girl books
The present they thought was a flat screen TV (Ted wishes) that was really a new air hockey table
Kendall getting ready to open Julie, her new doll
Blake and his camo outfit...just in time so he could cover up for pictures!
Blake with a shirt on now...thank goodness!
New pajamas
Blake posing with his gift cards...now he can afford to shop

As is the tradition every year, Kendall had to open Uncle Brett and Aunt Karen's gift on Christmas Eve
Some of Kendall's photography...us opening the ornament she made at school
Blake being "special" on Christmas Eve
Maddy didn't mind posing as a gift
They look awfully happy for being up at 6AM on Christmas morning! We managed to buy a little time before having to get up to open gifts...we made it to 6:30...

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