Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Update

October Camping/Canoe Trip

This pic is pre-Canoe and mud fight

Kendall's Birthday! She got her Kindle that she has been asking for.

Blake during one of the last Cross Coutry Meets.

Getting ready to run

I haven't had much time to post pictures or what we are up to. There hasn't been time for much of anything. In fact, we went 3 weeks without a grocery store trip which wasn't fun. Someone always has to be dropped off or picked up somewhere. There is always something going on that I have to be at work early, late ar both. It seems that this year I am constantly at the store getting science supplies. Ted has started going to College Station most every day for work now also. That has left me to be the driver and that is a full-time job. I will truly be happy when Blake can drive himself places.

Blake has finally finished the Cross Country season as of last weekend. It was a bit of a rough season. He started having chest pain and we took him back to the cardiologist. After stress tests, ultrasounds, EKGs and 2 weeks of wearing a heart monitor, they deemed him to be healthy. Well, we made it about 2 weeks with no problems. After the District Meet, he had pain and other symptoms again. I took him to the ER. They don't think it is his heart but banned him from sports until a follow-up with his doctor. The pediatrician feels he may have some acid reflux issues and muscle strain. So, we are going to try treating that and see how it goes. It has been overly eventful at our house for that reason alone.

This past week, Blake has been extremely busy with the Hairspray production with Theatre at school. He is on the set/run crew. They have had practice every night until about 9:30. Then it is home to eat and finish homework before going to bed. Thursday night was their opening performance. We attended the Saturday night performance and were very impressed. These kids put on an amazing show and sold out several shows! The final performance is Monday night. Then, hopefully we can wind down for at least a month.

Kendall has been busy with school. She's had lots of homework that she stays on top of. Her grades have been fabulous. She is also getting a lot more involved with Youth Group. One of her big accomplishments this fall has been having her art displayed at the main offices in the district. Sadly, we are not swimming right now. I honestly don't see how I would get her to practice with the way the year has been going.

That's the highlights! I am sure there will be more to post soon. We are planning a trip to Manhattan for Thanksgiving. Something fun to look forward to!

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